

It is good practice to configure separate servers for HTTP and HTTPS protocols from the very start. Although their functionalities currently seem equal, this may change significantly in the future and using a consolidated server may become problematic. However, if HTTP and HTTPS servers are equal, and you prefer not to think about the future, you may configure a single server that handles both HTTP and HTTPS requests by deleting the directive “ssl on” and adding the “ssl” parameter for *:443 port:

如果两个虚拟主机内容一样 只是端口不一样 一个http 一个https 何必分开写呢?

server {
listen 80;
listen 443 ssl;
server_name www.nginx.com;
ssl_certificate www.nginx.com.crt;
ssl_certificate_key www.nginx.com.key;

要让https和http并存,不能在配置文件中使用ssl on,必须在端口上制定ssl选项
(nginx 0.8.21)之前ssl选项只能和default一起使用

之前我写过一篇文章:我的Nginx分布式配置文件管理方案 里面就使用了https和http共用一个配置文件 但是我里面使用了ssl on 却没什么问题 我在测试机上怎么也不能重现这个。一台生产环境的服务器已经那样工作了一段时间里 暂时不方便停机测试,先不管他 记录下来 这个才是官方正宗的方法。之前的问题到后面再去排查。

想起apache, 好像不能只在一个虚拟主机配置节里面同时指定N个端口吧
必须重复的写 ,改动一个配置起来也很麻烦,生怕漏掉了哪个主机配置节
当然如果是我无知 欢迎apache党指正。

Author Info :
  • From:正确的让Nginx的HTTP和HTTPS站点在一个Server配置内共存
  • URL:https://blog.ihipop.com/2011/05/2386.html
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